2023-11-06 20:45

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CWU Express Deep Sadness On The Death Of The Union's President Jane Loftus

In a statement issued yesterday (3rd November) to all CWU members, Dave Ward Gen Sec and Tony Kearns Deputy GS, the shocking news of the death of the Union's president Jane Loftus was announced:

" We are deeply saddened to announce that CWU President and Chair of the Postal Executive Jane Loftus has passed away earlier today following a short illness.

This news will be extremely upsetting to us all.

Jane was a huge figure in our union over many decades and we know Branches, Representatives and members will be shocked and saddened by this news.

... Jane will be remembered for her passion and commitment and for her inspirational campaigning against all forms of injustice and discrimination – both within the CWU and the wider movement.

At this moment in time our thoughts are with Jane’s husband Chris, her daughter Joanne and her family and on behalf of the whole union we offer them our heartfelt condolences."

Jane was a member of the CWU's Greater Merseyside Amal Branch and was known across the Branch ofr her years of dedicated service to the membership.

The sad and shocking news came out yesterday via one of the CWU North Wests WhatsApp group, resulting in immediate responses from many of the Group's members.


Writing to all Branches today 6th November, Dave Ward Gen Sec and Tony Kearns Deputy GS announced an all branches meeting to be held on line via zoom and a concolences book:

Following the extremely sad news last week of the passing of CWU President Jane Loftus, we have been working on an initial tribute to recognise the contribution Jane made to our union and the wider movement.

Therefore, on Tuesday 7th November at 10am we will hold a Branch meeting on Zoom to give the whole union the opportunity to participate in a minute’s silence.

You can register for the meeting via this link https://cwu-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIsc-ihrz0pGdapGNNEJaNQy9WWU-wZPn5z

We have also opened an online condolence book where you can leave your memories of Jane and messages for her family. We will use all of the contributions to produce a book for her loved ones.

The link to the condolences page is here https://www.cwu.org/a-tribute-to-jane-loftus/

The NEC will also be considering other ways of marking Jane’s contribution, including at our annual conference.

CWU / Photo: C Ingram

Pic: Bak to News icon link

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